Monday, September 10, 2012

Plein Air Rockies 2012

The Big Thompson River runs right through downtown Estes Park.
I was again honored to be juried into Plein Air Rockies. In previous events I've spent most of my time painting pristine nature in Rocky Mountain National Park. This year I decided to change it up and feature more architecture and man made elements.

Big Tom's Lazy Side, 9 x 12, oils.
  I started by painting the Big Thompson River as it meanders it's way through downtown Estes Park. The light kept changing from sunny to cloudy but I feel like I captured the it pretty well.

Upon this Rock, 12 x 16, oils.
I also challenged myself by attempting a 12" x 16" painting which is big for me. I chose the complex architecture of St Malos Church. It took three mornings to finish this piece.

The Spirit of '55, 9 x 12, oils.
I'm really not into old trucks. I have to ask the owners what the year make and model are. I do like painting them though.

In the Shadow of Stone's Peak, 4 x 6, oils.
Once again we were given a 4 x 6 Sourcetek panel to submit for a miniature competition.

A Show for the Old Man, 9 x 12, oils.
This year they added a competition to paint Mrs. Walsh's garden across from the Cultural Arts Council gallery. I chose to setup inside the garden but paint a vista featuring Old Man Mountain with Deer Ridge in the distance. The piece won an award of merit. This combined with some sales helped make the trip worth all the effort.